Thursday, January 28, 2016

NoSQL Confession: I miss “joins”

I have been working with ElasticSearch and Couchbase this past year and a half, and I have a confession to make. Yes it has been amazing to see how to build a flexible, scalable and fast database that integrates sophisticated text searches with more traditional value matching queries. At Berkery Noyes, we have built, on NoSQL technology, an amazing tool to sift through millions of records of business intelligence including web visits, landing pages, emails, phone calls, merger and acquisition activity and even changes to company personnel. We use this tool to focus our efforts, and preliminary usage shows the search tool to be able to identify solid leads. But…

To do this, we have needed to de-normalize a large amount of data into our data documents. The NoSQL “join” features in both ElasticSearch and Couchbase are still too primitive to effectively use. I keep hitting problems like the inability to sort on “joined” documents, or severe latencies in updates to indices. In addition, there is the additional headache of insuring that de-normalized data is up to date. Oh for the old days of Primary Keys and Foreign Keys. However, for us, there is no turning back, the new power that our search app has is so useful that we deal with it. I guess I miss the old days of 2013 when we could have all our data tied up in a neat algebraic package on a SQL database. We live in a world that can be a little messy, so perhaps our data should reflect that.

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